The Centre explores new ideas to improve Australia’s education and training ecosystem in line with contemporary and emerging skill needs. We incubate new concepts through project activity, often partnering with other bodies.

Current projects:

Completed projects:

Industry 4.0 Higher Apprenticeship Project

Industry 4.0 is about the next stage in manufacturing driven by the impact of digitalisation and emerging technologies on Australia’s ability to compete and participate in global value chains. This project was funded by the Commonwealth Department of Education and Training under the Apprenticeships Training – Alternative Delivery Pilots Program. It sought to address these challenges through the development and introduction of a new Diploma and Associate Degree of Applied Technologies, developed by Swinburne University of Technology, and delivered in technology-rich companies including Siemens Ltd through an apprenticeship mode. The project was completed at the end of 2019

NSW Apprenticeship Compact Projects Stream 1 & 2

Ai Group undertook two projects within its Apprenticeship Compact with the NSW Department of Industry. The projects aimed to assist companies and their apprentices with language, literacy and numeracy needs, and to assist school/industry liaison for the recruitment of apprentices. The projects were completed at the end of 2019.

Workforce Readiness Partnership Pods

Using a seed grant from the Victorian Department of Education and Training the project investigated the feasibility of a model for Workforce Readiness Partnerships Pods that would result in improved work readiness in VET graduates and therefore increased productivity in industry. The project scoped a model that: identifies and implements innovative industry-student activities across industry sectors that are attractive to companies, particularly SMEs; and established a central space for industry and TAFE provider representatives to interact on student-work activities which incorporated companies' enterprise skill needs. It provided an opportunity to increase the volume of companies and students involved, and led to collaboration on broader initiatives between industry and TAFE. The project completed at the end of 2018.

Industry Specialist Mentoring for Australian Apprentices (ISMAA)

During 2018 and 2019, the Workforce Development team was contracted to deliver services to apprentices in the manufacturing industry under an Australian Government Program, Industry Specialist Mentoring for Australian Apprentices (ISMAA). Our apprentice mentors worked across New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland and Tasmania. The service provided intensive support to apprentices and trainees in the first two years of their training in industries that are undergoing structural change. It assisted in meeting the long-held concerns of Ai Group and others regarding the enduringly low completion rates of apprentices. This issue along with ongoing low commencement rates continues to be a major problem at a time when industry has reported shortages in trades and technician workers and is re-focusing its workforce to meet the challenges arising through digitalisation.

Strengthening School - Industry STEM Skills Partnerships

This project mapped current school - industry STEM skills programs nationally and conducted pilot programs designed to raise the participation of schools and industry in the provision of STEM skills.

Building Employer Commitment to Workplace Literacy Programs

This Australian Government funded project aimed to determine the return on investment for employers participating in the Workplace English Language and Literacy (WELL) program.

Contact Us

Get in touch with the Centre for Education & Training to discuss your company’s skills issues and plans, our research and reports, or the members’ network.

Address: Level 2, 441 St Kilda Rd Melbourne VIC 3004 Australia

Phone: +61 3 9867 0202


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